Tobin Marks 20 Years

By Maury Tobin

Twenty years ago, I started Tobin Communications with several key goals in mind: to promote public relations (PR) as an essential part of any business or organization’s structure, to convey that it’s not about spin, and to emphasize that communications should never be an afterthought.

Through the years, our firm has worked with many top-notch clients. Campaigns have ranged from healthcare education, advising clients on national policy initiatives and messaging, grassroots outreach and media relations, and producing content for multiple digital platforms.

I thank all of you who have worked with us or kept abreast of our news; however, instead of sharing a boring two-decade retrospective, I’d like to point out that having a successful company also means fulfilling some other important goals in my life.

They involve enjoying and helping preserve the historic Port Tobacco River (which runs adjacent to where my wife and I own a home in Maryland), helping wildlife, providing pro-bono PR on specific animal-advocacy issues, and giving our four dogs, two cats, and 25-year-old former show horse quality lives.

For instance, three of our dogs were strays, including one that can now walk because of a successful and costly spinal surgery. We also have an older beagle who has many special needs because of a rare form of Cushings disease.

Through the years, I’ve also gotten to know many of you beyond the surface, and I enjoy learning about your personal and professional passions too. Here’s to another 20 years!

Maury Tobin is the President of Tobin Communications, Inc., a firm he founded in 1996 that provides integrated campaign and digital services. Tobin earned both a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies and a Master’s Degree in Public Communication at American University.